Hits 1-10 within 90 documents
Erfahrungen beim Aufbau eines Auswahlrahmens für Telefonstichproben in Deutschland [journal article]
Source: ZUMA Nachrichten, 23 (1999) 44. p.45-61
On the impact of response patterns on survey estimates from access panels [journal article]
Source: Survey Research Methods, 7 (2013) 2. p.91-101
Einstellungen zur Akzeptanz räumlicher Distanz in erwerbsbedingt multilokalen Lebensformen [journal article]
Source: Zeitschrift für Familienforschung, 26 (2014) 2. p.121-143
Between Traditional and Scientific Medicine: A Research Strategy for the Study of the Pathways to Treatment Followed by a Group of Mexican Patients with Emotional Disorders [journal article]
Source: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung / Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 5 (2004) 2. p.16