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Migrantized Biographies: Reconstructing Life-Stories and Life-Histories as a Reflexive Approach in Migration Research
Migrantisierte Biografien: Rekonstruktion von Lebensgeschichten und Lebensverläufe als reflexiver Ansatz in der Migrationsforschung
[journal article]
Abstract The social category of migrants has been marked by state policies of bordering and "managing migration," powerful discourses on social groupings, and global, regional, and local conflicts around participation and exclusion. The complexity of this category has been emphasized by critical approaches i... view more
The social category of migrants has been marked by state policies of bordering and "managing migration," powerful discourses on social groupings, and global, regional, and local conflicts around participation and exclusion. The complexity of this category has been emphasized by critical approaches in the fields of migration research that have been crucial in de-essentializing it. In this article, I will discuss how, as a processual, comparative, and case-oriented approach, biographical research might contribute to more reflexive, Global Sociology-oriented migration research by empirically reconstructing migrantization (turning movements into migration and turning mobile people into migrants) as a multilayered and complex process. In doing so, I will present empirical findings from the research project "Biographies of migrants from Syria and West Africa in Brazil and in Germany: processes of inclusion and participation in the context of so-called irregular migration." These findings reveal the different ways in which members of migrant groupings present themselves and their migration trajectories, divided into an "individualized type" and a "we-group-oriented type." This leads me to demonstrate the need to reconstruct mechanisms of migration-related boundary-making from a processual perspective in order to understand migrantized people's positions and positioning practices within asymmetric balances of power, as well as the overlapping processes that generate both movements and mobilities.... view less
migration research; biography; methodology; illegal immigration; self-presentation; mobility; migration
Migration, Sociology of Migration
Research Design
Free Keywords
biographical research; Global Sociology; migrantization
Document language
Publication Year
p. 178-198
Historical Social Research, 48 (2023) 4
Issue topic
Doing Global Sociology: Qualitative Methods and Biographical Becoming after the Postcolonial Critique
Published Version; peer reviewed