Hits 1-10 within 1798 documents
Geschichte und Psychologie - Oral History und Psychoanalyse: Problemaufriss und Literaturüberblick [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 29 (2004) 4. p.79-119
The old conservation history - and the new: an argument for fresh perspectives on an established topic [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 29 (2004) 3. p.171-191
Counterfactuals and futures histories: retrospective imagining as an auxiliary for the scenarios of expectance [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 34 (2009) 2. p.74-87
Geology and world politics: mineral resource appraisals as tools of geopolitical calculation, 1919-1939 [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 40 (2015) 2. p.151-173
The evaluation of welfare state performance: modelling a counterfactual world [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 34 (2009) 2. p.129-146
Ambiguous loyalty to the Russian Tsar: the universities of Dorpat and Helsinki as nation building institutions [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 33 (2008) 2. p.99-126
The problems of the defining the risk: the case of mountaineering [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 31 (2006) 1. p.245-256
Information requirements and data description in historical social research: a proposal [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 12 (1987) 2/3. p.191-200
Sozialismus in der DDR: ein Feldexperiment mit paradoxalem Ergebnis [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 28 (2003) 1/2. p.128-160
Fachexperten und Leitungskader: Karrieren von Angehörigen der oberen Dienstklasse der DDR nach der Wende [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 28 (2003) 1/2. p.247-269