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Proceedings of the Weizenbaum Conference 2023: AI, Big Data, Social Media, and People on the Move
[conference proceedings]
Corporate Editor
Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society - The German Internet Institute
Abstract The conference focused on topics that arise from artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data deployed on and used by 'people on the move'. We understand the term 'people on the move' in a broad sense: individuals and groups who - by volition or necessity - are changing their lives and/or their structu... view more
The conference focused on topics that arise from artificial intelligence (AI) and Big Data deployed on and used by 'people on the move'. We understand the term 'people on the move' in a broad sense: individuals and groups who - by volition or necessity - are changing their lives and/or their structural position in societies. This encompasses the role of automated systems or AI in different forms of geographical and social change, including migration and labour mobility, algorithmic uses of 'location', as well as discourses of and about people on the move.... view less
artificial intelligence; social media; migration; mobility; labor; automation; digitalization; sociotechnical system
Technology Assessment
Sociology of Science, Sociology of Technology, Research on Science and Technology
Free Keywords
platforms; gig economy
5. Weizenbaum Conference "AI, Big Data, Social Media, and People on the Move". Berlin, 2023
Document language
Publication Year
87 p.
Primary Publication; peer reviewed
Creative Commons - Attribution 4.0
FundingThis work has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) (grant no.: 16DII121, 16DII122, 16DII123, 16DII124, 16DII125, 16DII126, 16DII127, 16DII128 - "Deutsches Internet-Institut").