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@article{ Matei2008,
 title = {Europeanization or curricular harmonization in the area of administrative sciences (follow-up of Bologna process)},
 author = {Matei, Lucica},
 journal = {Transylvanian Review of Administrative Sciences},
 number = {22 E},
 pages = {92-124},
 year = {2008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The paper aims a comparative analysis of curricula for Bachelor studies in the area of administrative sciences. The objectives of research focused on elaboration of a set of indicators, based on the curricular contents of the programmes from the first cycle in administrative sciences, aiming to size 'the Europeanism degree' and curricular compatibilisation degree between Romanian and European universities.},
 keywords = {studies (academic); Europe; Curriculum; Studium; Harmonisierung; Lehrplan; Romania; Bologna-Prozess; harmonization; Europa; Europeanization; syllabus; curriculum; administrative science; Rumänien; Verwaltungswissenschaft; Europäisierung; bachelor; Bachelor; Bologna Process}}