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@article{ Kahancová2010,
 title = {Economic Interests, Company Values and Local Institutions: Shaping Soft Work Practices in a Multinational’s Subsidiaries in Western and Central Eastern Europe},
 author = {Kahancová, Marta},
 journal = {Industrielle Beziehungen : Zeitschrift für Arbeit, Organisation und Management},
 number = {2},
 pages = {170-191},
 volume = {17},
 year = {2010},
 issn = {0943-2779},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"How can we understand similarities and differences between work practices in
multinational companies’ (MNCs) subsidiaries in different host country conditions? The paper
addresses this question by studying selected soft work practices, namely work systems and
fringe benefits, in a Dutch MNC and its subsidiaries in Western and in Central Eastern
Europe. Acknowledging institutional variation across the studied host countries, the paper
explores how the MNC’s economic interest and company values interact with host-country
institutions in shaping subsidiary work practices. It is argued that the MNC’s rational behaviour
is contextualized in local socio-institutional conditions, as well as it is informed by company
values. Interaction between the profit interest, values and institutions yields subsidiary
work practices that are neither fully standardized across the subsidiaries, nor extensively
adapted to local work standards. Instead, soft work practices are embedded in, but only selectively
adapted to, host-country standards." (author's abstract)"Der Artikel analysiert die Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten in „soft
work practices“, d.h. Arbeitssystemen und freiwillig gewährten Nebenleistungen in vier europäischen
Tochtergesellschaften eines niederländischen Unternehmens. Es wird gezeigt, wie die
wirtschaftlichen Interessen des Unternehmens und die in ihm vorherrschenden Werte mit den
institutionellen Unterschieden an den einzelnen Standorten interagieren. Das Zusammenwirken
dieser Faktoren führt zu der Herausbildung von Arbeitssystemen und Nebenleistungen,
die weder vollständig standardisiert sind noch ausschließlich lokale Standards widerspiegeln,
sondern selektiv in die Standards der Gastländer eingebettet sind." (Autorenreferat)},
 keywords = {multinationales Unternehmen; multinational corporations; Arbeitssystem; work system; Wert; value; Mitteleuropa; Central Europe; Osteuropa; Eastern Europe}}