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Markets, evaluations and rankings
Märkte, Bewertungen und Klassifizierungen
[journal article]
Abstract "Starting from the problem of economic coordination, this article defines markets as a social structure for the exchange of rights in which offers are evaluated and priced, and compete with one another. It identifies temporality, the roles of buyers and sellers, the voluntary nature of trade, proper... view more
"Starting from the problem of economic coordination, this article defines markets as a social structure for the exchange of rights in which offers are evaluated and priced, and compete with one another. It identifies temporality, the roles of buyers and sellers, the voluntary nature of trade, property rights and competition as key features distinguishing markets from trade and other forms of economic coordination. In order to function, markets require a shared understanding of a product, a common culture as rules of behavior and an agreement over the economic value of an offer. Finally, the article distinguishes between 'fixed' and 'switch-role markets' to show that it is necessary to speak of markets in plural." (author's abstract)... view less
market; type of market; market organization; market economy; commerce; competition; economic theory; coordination; regulation; price; function; economy; role; sociology of science; comparative research; historical analysis
National Economy
Social History, Historical Social Research
Sociology of Economics
basic research
Document language
Publication Year
p. 19-33
Historical Social Research, 36 (2011) 3
Issue topic
Change of markets and market societies: concepts and case studies / Wandel von Märkten und Marktgesellschaften: Konzepte und Fallstudien
Published Version; peer reviewed