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Embedding markets in temporal structures: a challenge to economic sociology and history
Die Einbettung von Märkten in temporalen Strukturen: eine Herausforderung für Wirtschaftssoziologie und Geschichte
[journal article]
Abstract "The essay examines from a historian's point of view the approaches to the analysis of market exchange in new economic sociology and explores in which way sociology and history can cooperate in embedding markets in temporal structures. In a first step the author sharply criticises the favourable rec... view more
"The essay examines from a historian's point of view the approaches to the analysis of market exchange in new economic sociology and explores in which way sociology and history can cooperate in embedding markets in temporal structures. In a first step the author sharply criticises the favourable reception given to Karl Polanyi' s work 'The Great Transformation' in the field of new economic sociology. In particular she discusses the narrowing of research perspectives and its negative side effects on the sociology of markets. There then follows a second step: in order to find a linking point for interdisciplinary cooperation, beginning with the current state of historical research, the author makes several considerations on the significance of temporal structures and the time factor in general in analysing markets and market societies." (author's abstract)... view less
economy; economic sociology; market; market economy; historical analysis; economic theory; economic change; Great Britain; Europe; time factor; transformation; nineteenth century; twentieth century; capitalism; Rhenish Prussia; theory of society
Sociology of Economics
Social History, Historical Social Research
basic research; historical
Free Keywords
market society; England; Karl Polanyi; time structures; longue durée
Document language
Publication Year
p. 55-78
Historical Social Research, 36 (2011) 3
Issue topic
Change of markets and market societies: concepts and case studies / Wandel von Märkten und Marktgesellschaften: Konzepte und Fallstudien
Published Version; peer reviewed