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@article{ Pargman2008,
 title = {Do you believe in magic? Computer games in everyday life},
 author = {Pargman, Daniel and Jakobsson, Peter},
 journal = {European Journal of Cultural Studies},
 number = {2},
 pages = {225-244},
 volume = {11},
 year = {2008},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Huizinga's concept of a 'magic circle' has been used to depict computer games and                gaming activities as something separate from ordinary life. In this view, games are                special (magical) and they only come to life within temporal and spatial borders                that are enacted and performed by the participants. This article discusses the                concept of a 'magic circle' and finds that it lacks specificity. Attempts to use the                concept of a magic circle create a number of anomalies that are problematic. This is                not, as has been suggested earlier, primarily a matter of the genre of the game, or                a discussion of what an appropriate definition of a 'game' might be. Rather, in this                study with hardcore gamers, playing computer games is a routine and mundane                activity, making the boundary between play and non-play tenuous to say the least.                This article presents an alternative theoretical framework which should be explored                further.},
 keywords = {Routine; routine}}