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Making the self a subject of discussion
[journal article]
Abstract Hatte in den 70-er Jahren "Selbstthematisierung" im Zeichen der "Selbsterfahrung" gestanden, die mit der Hoffnung verbunden war, im Rückzug aus dieser Welt zum "wahren" Selbst zu finden, so scheint gegenwärtig "Selbstdarstellung" die vorherrschende Form der Selbstthematisierung geworden zu sein, ver... view more
Hatte in den 70-er Jahren "Selbstthematisierung" im Zeichen der "Selbsterfahrung" gestanden, die mit der Hoffnung verbunden war, im Rückzug aus dieser Welt zum "wahren" Selbst zu finden, so scheint gegenwärtig "Selbstdarstellung" die vorherrschende Form der Selbstthematisierung geworden zu sein, vermittelt vor allem durch die Medien. Die Folgen und Voraussetzungen dieser zeitspezifischen Veränderung werden diskutiert, die das "Selbst", den Kern der menschlichen "Identität", in neuer Weise an gesellschaftliche und politische Diskurse anschließt.... view less
During the 70s the self was made subject of discussion particularly in terms of "self-awareness", related to the hope of finding one's "true self" through a withdrawal from this world. It seems that "performing the self" has now become the present mode of "making the self subject of discussion", bei... view more
During the 70s the self was made subject of discussion particularly in terms of "self-awareness", related to the hope of finding one's "true self" through a withdrawal from this world. It seems that "performing the self" has now become the present mode of "making the self subject of discussion", being mainly communicated by the media. Consequences as well as preconditions of this change which connects the "self" – understood as the core of our "identity" – to social and political discourses in a profound new way, will be discussed.... view less
Ethnology, Cultural Anthropology, Ethnosociology
Free Keywords
2930 Culture & Ethnology, Eindruckssteuerung, 1220 theoretical discussion, from self-actualization in 1970s to impression management today, processes of historical & cultural change, consequences for construction of self-concept & ego identity
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p. 192-211
Journal für Psychologie, 13 (2005) 3
Published Version; reviewed
Deposit Licence - No Redistribution, No Modifications