Hits 1-10 within 29 documents
Monitoring, Creeping, or Surveillance? A Synthesis of Online Social Information Seeking Concepts [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 9 (2021). p.1-42
Do women and men use language differently in spoken face-to-face interaction? A scoping review [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 9 (2021). p.43-79
Unintended Effects of Advertising: An Updated Qualitative Review [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 8 (2020). p.1-16
What the differences in conflict between online and face-to-face work groups mean for hybrid groups: A state-of-the-art review [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 8 (2020). p.51-77
Death-Related Grief and Disenfranchised Identity: A Communication Approach [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 8 (2020). p.78-95
Reconceptualizing Cognitive Media Effects Theory and Research Under the Judged Usability Model [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 8 (2020). p.17-50
Running as a woman (or man): a review of research on political communicators and gender stereotypes [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 7 (2019). p.109-138
Reviewing media literacy intervention studies for validity [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 7 (2019). p.38-66
How stereotypes are shared through language: a review and introduction of the aocial categories and stereotypes communication (SCSC) framework [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 7 (2019). p.1-37
Communicating uncertainty during public health emergency events: a systematic review [journal article]
Source: Review of Communication Research, 7 (2019). p.67-108