Hits 1-10 within 480 documents
Human development index as a tool to assess social development in the Baltic States [journal article]
Source: Baltic Region, 9 (2017) 3. p.45-57
Mobile Wellness Innovation: Qi Gong App to Improve Wellness and Cognitive Resiliency in Older Adults [collection article]
Source: Facet Publ., 2015
Las disputas sobre el desarrollo y los sentidos de las alternativas [journal article]
Source: Revista Kavilando, 6 (2014) 1. p.15-26
Disability and health: a research agenda [journal article]
Source: Social Inclusion, 1 (2013) 1. p.37-45
Zeit verschwenden oder draufgehen?! Auf dem Weg durch die "High-Speed-Gesellschaft" [journal article]
Source: Soziologie heute, 5 (2012) 2. p.6-11
Qualidade de vida: considerações sobre os indicadores e instrumentos de medida [journal article]
Source: Revista Brasileira de Qualidade de Vida, 3 (2011) 1. p.16-23
Aging in the social space [monograph]
Source: The Association of Social Gerontologists, 2015