Hits 1-10 within 179 documents
Ambiguous loyalty to the Russian Tsar: the universities of Dorpat and Helsinki as nation building institutions [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 33 (2008) 2. p.99-126
În Căutarea fericirii. Viaţa familială în spaţiul românesc în sec. XVIII-XX [collection]
Source: Presa Univ. Clujeană, 2010
Aspecte juridice privind relaţiile matrimoniale în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea [journal article]
Source: Romanian journal of population studies, (2010) Suppl.. p.15-28
Some aspects regarding matrimonial relations in the city of Arad in the XVIIIth century [journal article]
Source: Romanian journal of population studies, (2009) Suppl.. p.777-791
Două cazuri de divorţ în oraşul Arad în secolul al XVIII-lea [collection article]
Source: Gutenberg, 2010
The interplay between infant mortality and subsequent reproductive behaviour: evidence for the replacement effect from historical population of Bejsce Parish, 18th-20th centuries, Poland [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 30 (2005) 3. p.240-264
Family strategies, inheritance systems and the care of the elderly in historical perspective: eastern and western Finland [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 23 (1998) 1/2. p.67-82
Einführung in die Clusteranalyse mit SPSS-X für Historiker und Sozialwissenschaftler [journal article]
Source: Historical Social Research, 14 (1989) 2. p.6-167
The concept of freedom in North America in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries with a brief comparison to the developments in Germany [journal article]
Source: Totalitarismus und Demokratie, 3 (2006) 2. p.203-229
Measuring long term growth and productivity change on a macro-economic level [conference paper]
Source: Klett-Cotta, 1983
(Historisch-Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen : quantitative sozialwissenschaftliche Analysen von historischen und prozeß-produzierten Daten, 15)