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@book{ Williams2024,
 title = {Are Leibniz PostDocs alright? Insights into the careers, working lives, and mental health of Leibniz PostDocs},
 author = {Williams, Harry M. and Becker, Regina and Roemer, Lena and Altinli, Mine and Sobieraj, Sabrina and Lösch, Thomas and Fiedler, Daniela},
 year = {2024},
 pages = {105, 35},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Postdoctoral researchers play a critical role in scientific research. This is the case not only for the Leibniz Association but for research worldwide. However, postdoctoral researchers are often overlooked or misrepresented as a homogeneous group of researchers. The principal aim of the Leibniz PostDoc Survey was to understand who Leibniz PostDocs are and to provide some insight into their experiences, interests, and needs. This report summarises the results of the second Leibniz PostDoc Survey, which was open for submission from November 2022 to January 2023. Overall, we had questions covering the following sections: (1) demographics, (2) contract and payments, (3) working hours and tasks, (4) career goals, (5) career development – experiences, (6) career development – supervisor and institutional support, (7) satisfaction and working situation, (8) good scientific practice, workplace conflict, and discrimination, (9) mental health, as well as (10) the experience of international Leibniz PostDocs. The report includes a summary of the key findings and recommendations as well as a comprehensive description of all results from each survey question.},
 keywords = {Leibniz-Gemeinschaft; Leibniz Association; wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs; young academics; Karriereplanung; career planning; außeruniversitäre Forschung; non-university research; Arbeitsbedingungen; working conditions; Arbeitsvertrag; employment contract; Arbeitssituation; job situation; Internationalisierung; internationalization; Zufriedenheit; satisfaction; psychische Gesundheit; mental health}}