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@article{ Peña2022,
 title = {Noticias falsas en tiempos de posverdad},
 author = {Peña, Ricardo de la},
 journal = {Revista Mexicana de Opinión Pública},
 number = {33},
 pages = {88-103},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1870-7300},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This essay addresses the generic problem of fake news in contemporary societies and how it affects electoral processes in particular. To do this, first a conceptual review is made that leads
to specify the elements that allow the construction of a discourse qualified as post-truth and the proposal to build a knowledge society as a general formula for its containment, as well as the
informed voter model in the particular space of the electoral.},
 keywords = {soziales Netzwerk; Desinformation; knowledge; Wahrheit; election; Liberalismus; Demokratie; political communication; liberalism; social network; democracy; truth; disinformation; politische Kommunikation; Wahl; Wissen}}