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@book{ Lindeperg2021,
 title = {Who Owns the Images? The Paradox of Archives, between Commercialization, Free Circulation and Respect},
 author = {Lindeperg, Sylvie and Szczepanska, Ania and Chassigneux, Nathalie and Lalou, Serge and Magnien, Agnès and Mondzain, Marie-José and Périot, Jean-Gabriel and Sené, Xavier},
 year = {2021},
 series = {Configurations of Film Series},
 pages = {143},
 address = {Lüneburg},
 publisher = {meson press},
 isbn = {978­-3­-95796-­014­-6},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {Digitization carries the utopian promise of archival access unlimited by constraints of space and time, and with it, of new forms of research and historiographies. In reality, digital image archives pose a complex set of technical, legal, ethical and methodological challenges, particularly for film and media studies and adjacent fields. In a series of studies and interviews with practitioners, scholars and theorists, this volume draws a detailed map of these challenges and offers perspectives for further research and creative practice.},
 keywords = {Digitalisierung; digitalization; Archiv; archives; Bild; picture; Film; film; audiovisuelle Medien; audiovisual media; Urheberrecht; copyright}}