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High-Resolution Image(s) of Intercultural Contact: Understanding Interculturalism with Personal Networks
Klare(s) Bild(er) interkultureller Kontakte: Interkulturalität mithilfe persönlicher Netzwerke verstehen
[journal article]
Abstract Intercultural contact is a well-studied phenomenon and particularly relevant in the context of migration. However, research in this field often treats immigrants as independent entities and ignores their role in social structures. An approach that can account for the complex dynamics and relational ... view more
Intercultural contact is a well-studied phenomenon and particularly relevant in the context of migration. However, research in this field often treats immigrants as independent entities and ignores their role in social structures. An approach that can account for the complex dynamics and relational interdependencies underlying immigrants’ acculturation processes is the social network approach. We illustrate the value of bringing in a personal social network perspective to the study of intercultural contact with two cases: (1) Eritrean and Syrian refugees in Germany and (2) Ecuadorian, Moroccan, Pakistani, and Romanian immigrants in Barcelona, Spain. We conclude with some thoughts on the conceptual and methodological benefits of the social network approach and some reflections on policy implications.... view less
acculturation; integration; migrant; social network; Federal Republic of Germany; intercultural factors; Spain; refugee
Migration, Sociology of Migration
General Sociology, Basic Research, General Concepts and History of Sociology, Sociological Theories
Free Keywords
intercultural contact; personal social networks; measurement; personal networks; interculturalism
Document language
Publication Year
p. 21-29
easy_social_sciences (2021) 66
Issue topic
Content Meets Structure - Social Network Perspectives
Published Version; peer reviewed