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How Important are Social Networks in Times of Environmental Crises?
Wie wichtig sind soziale Netzwerke in Zeiten von Umweltkrisen?
[journal article]
Abstract Around the globe, extreme weather events like storms, droughts and floods get stronger and hit more often. In their struggle to overcome the impacts of such disasters, natural resource users (fishers, farmers) depend on knowledge and support coming from both within and outside their communities. To ... view more
Around the globe, extreme weather events like storms, droughts and floods get stronger and hit more often. In their struggle to overcome the impacts of such disasters, natural resource users (fishers, farmers) depend on knowledge and support coming from both within and outside their communities. To answer the question 'how to cope with crises?', we therefore have to find out 'whom to turn to when disasters hit'. We provide insights into two examples of ongoing research that investigate the role of fishers and farmers’ social networks when dealing with and recovering from environmental disasters that brought drastic change to their respective communities in Peru and Bangladesh. Our findings indicate that the number and diversity of connections is crucial for coping with crises, and suggest the need for further research on the ways social networks are shaping individual and community responses to environmental impacts.... view less
natural resources; social network; environment crisis; climate change; social capital; crisis management (econ., pol.); natural disaster; resilience
Ecology, Environment
Free Keywords
natural resource management; climate change adaptation; El Niño Southern Oscillation; ENSO; Cyclone Aila
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Publication Year
p. 11-20
easy_social_sciences (2021) 66
Issue topic
Content Meets Structure - Social Network Perspectives
Published Version; peer reviewed