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@article{ Ufen2009,
 title = {The transformation of political party opposition in Malaysia and its implications for the electoral authoritarian regime},
 author = {Ufen, Andreas},
 journal = {Democratization},
 number = {3},
 pages = {604-627},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2009},
 issn = {1743-890X},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Malaysia's electoral authoritarian system is increasingly coming under pressure. Indicators of this are the metamorphosis of opposition forces since 1998 and, in particular, the results of the 2008 parliamentary elections. From 1957 until 1998 political party opposition was fragmented. An initial transformation of political party opposition began at the height of the Asian financial crisis, after a major conflict within the ruling United Malays National Organization in 1998. However, the regime was able to weaken the opposition, resulting in its poor performance in the 2004 elections. Afterwards, in a second transformation that has continued until the present time, an oppositional People's Alliance (Pakatan Rakyat) has emerged that now has a serious chance of taking over the federal government. This article argues that the increase in the strength and cohesion of political party opposition since 1998 has been caused mainly by five combined factors: the emergence of pro-democratic segments within a multi-ethnic and multi-religious middle class; the intensified interaction of political parties and civil society forces; the impact of new media; the eroded legitimacy of the United Malays National Organization and other parties of the ruling coalition; and the internal reforms within the Islamist Pan-Malaysian Islamic Party (Parti Islam SeMalaysia). Consequently it has become conceivable that the country will incrementally democratize in a protracted transition. Although the 1999 and 2008 elections were not foundational, they have been transitional. They may not have inaugurated a new democratic regime, but they have marked important phases in the struggle for democracy in Malaysia.},
 keywords = {Malaysia; Malaysia; Partei; party; Opposition; opposition; Parteiensystem; party system; Wahl; election; Abstimmung; voting; Autoritarismus; authoritarianism; politischer Wandel; political change; Demokratisierung; democratization; politische Bewegung; political movement; Südostasien; Southeast Asia}}