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@article{ Grevenstein2016,
 title = {Who's Afraid of Death and Terrorists? Investigating Moderating Effects of Sense of Coherence, Mindfulness, Neuroticism, and Meaning in Life on Mortality Salience},
 author = {Grevenstein, Dennis and Bluemke, Matthias},
 journal = {Journal of Articles in Support of the Null Hypothesis},
 number = {1},
 pages = {25-36},
 volume = {13},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {1539-8714},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Sense of coherence (SOC) is thought to be a stress-buffering personality construct. We explored if SOC has a moderating effect on the distress experienced following mortality salience. SOC, mindfulness, neuroticism, and meaning in life were measured as potential moderators. Participants reported on death anxiety and completed a worldview defense task. Results indicated that all potential moderators were correlated with death anxiety, but not with worldview defense. Yet despite a large sample no main effect for the mortality salience induction could be found. Results highlight the importance of various personality variables on death anxiety.},
 keywords = {neuroticism; Existenzangst; Resilienz; Neurotizismus; personality; anxiety; Emotionalität; emotionality; terrorism; Persönlichkeit; Tod; death; existential anxiety; Terrorismus; Angst; resilience}}