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@article{ Han2018,
 title = {Analysis of New Advances in the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Education},
 author = {Han, Lufeng},
 journal = {Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research},
 number = {220},
 pages = {608-611},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2352-5398},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Artificial intelligence is an important innovation in the rapid development of modern Internet. In the 21st century, human beings have been continuously researching and exploring Internet information technology. All kinds of application forms of Internet informatization begin to appear in our life. The rapid change of technology brings a high upgrade rate of internet products. This marks the technological innovation of some traditional concepts and thinking methods. The development mode of artificial intelligence plus education is an important innovation after the deep development of artificial intelligence technology and the achievement of cross-industry application practice. Robots will be the brains of the future education process. This paper aims to clarify the development trend of the application of artificial intelligence in modern education by analyzing the innovation progress of the combination of artificial intelligence technology and contemporary education. This is of great significance for better use of the advantages of artificial intelligence to build a future-oriented high-tech education system.},
 keywords = {künstliche Intelligenz; artificial intelligence; neue Technologie; new technology; neuronales Netz; neural network; Bildung; education}}