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@article{ Dreyer2019,
 title = {How to promote public engagement in research},
 author = {Dreyer, Marion and Kosow, Hannah},
 journal = {Roots: Botanic Gardens Conservation International Education Review},
 number = {1},
 pages = {12-14},
 volume = {16},
 year = {2019},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {RRI calls for the engagement of civil society organisations, and also of individual citizens in research-related activities. What motivates or hinders members of the broader public to engage in research? This article identifies important barriers to societal engagement and presents policy and practice options to lower these barriers. The work identifying these barriers and possible ways to address them are the result of the EU-funded project PROSO. The project has shown that citizen engagement in research is not just a question of time and opportunity but also of relevance, trust, legitimacy, and impact.},