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@article{ Almeida Ramos2016,
 title = {Tourism territories in low density areas: The case of Naturtejo geopark in Portugal},
 author = {Almeida Ramos, George Manuel de and Fernandes, João Luís Jesus},
 journal = {Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing},
 number = {1},
 pages = {14-21},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2016},
 issn = {2529-1947},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This paper aims to supply some elements regarding tourism territories' building in low density areas, and to corroborate the creation of a specific tourism territory (the Naturtejo Geopark) by the role carried out by a new territorial actor - Naturtejo, EIM (a Portuguese geopark's management firm) - allowing tourism activities within a territorial scope different from the traditional territorial units' partition. The methodology applied is based on literature review and a specific case study used to show the creation of a new tourism territory. The results achieved suggest that concerted action in this new tourism territory has been producing positive effects from the supply-side point of view.},
 keywords = {Portugal; Portugal; Tourismus; tourism; Naturpark; nature park; Nationalpark; national park; Management; management}}