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@article{ Volgger2017,
 title = {The practice of destination governance: a comparative analysis of key dimensions and underlying concepts},
 author = {Volgger, Michael and Pechlaner, Harald and Pichler, Sabine},
 journal = {Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing},
 number = {1},
 pages = {18-24},
 volume = {3},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2529-1947},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Most of research on destination governance focuses on reporting the results of single case studies, whose findings are often related to the particularities of the specific destinations considered. As a result, there is little (empirical) consistency in underlying principles and dimensions of destination governance. To overcome this gap, this paper presents a combined (re-)analysis of multiple qualitative case studies and empirically develops destination governance dimensions from a practitioner point of view. Findings show that theoretical conceptualisation of destination governance and practical foci differ in some respects: In contrast to governance theory, practitioners refer more to context, process and change.},
 keywords = {Tourismus; tourism}}