Endnote export
%T Competitiveness factors of a tourism destination and impact on residents' quality of life: The case of Cittaslow-Seferihisar %A Küçükaltan, Ebru Günlü %A Pirnar, Ige %J Journal of Tourism, Heritage & Services Marketing %N 1 %P 22-29 %V 2 %D 2016 %K destination competitiveness; competitiveness index %@ 2529-1947 %~ Dokuz Eylul University, Yasar University %> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-67090-9 %X This research investigates whether tourism development related destination competitiveness have any direct effect on the quality of life of the residents. To reflect the developments in a destination, one of the best-known recent trends that stimulates destination competitiveness and directly relates to an increase in the quality of life of the residents, “Cittaslow”, is preferred as a case study. Therefore, the developments in Seferihisar, the first Cittaslow of Turkey, are emphasized based on Enea and Tanasoiu (2009)’s research which proposes the effects of tourism development and quality of life. Qualitative research is adapted where the techniques are prefered as case study and documentation. The originality of the paper results from the construction of the theory on a live sample that captures the practical evidences. %C MISC %G en %9 Zeitschriftenartikel %W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org %~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info