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@incollection{ Wagner2014,
 title = {Spatial and temporal patterns of online food preferences},
 author = {Wagner, Claudia and Singer, Philipp and Strohmaier, Markus},
 year = {2014},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on World Wide Web 2014},
 pages = {553-554},
 address = {New York},
 publisher = {ACM},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-2745-9},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Since food is one of the central elements of all human beings, a high interest exists in exploring temporal and spatial food and dietary patterns of humans. Predominantly, data for such investigations stem from consumer panels which continuously capture food consumption patterns from individuals and households. In this work we leverage data from a large online recipe platform which is frequently used in the German speaking regions in Europe and explore (i) the association between geographic proximity and shared food preferences and (ii) to what extent temporal information helps to predict the food preferences of users. Our results reveal that online food preferences of geographically closer regions are more similar than those of distant ones and show that specific types of ingredients are more popular on specific days of the week. The observed patterns can successfully be mapped to known real-world patterns which suggests that existing methods for the investigation of dietary and food patterns (e.g., consumer panels) may benefit from incorporating the vast amount of data generated by users browsing recipes on the Web.},
 keywords = {zone; statistische Analyse; Austria; Internet; Österreich; Nahrungsmittel; consumption; Verhaltensmuster; eating behavior; deutscher Sprachraum; Konsum; Essverhalten; statistical analysis; food; Mustererkennung; Zeit; behavior pattern; Raum; Lebensmittel; Internet; portal; pattern recognition; German-speaking area; time; Portal}}