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@article{ Peukert2018,
 title = {Soziale Elternschaft - ein konzeptuelles Stiefkind der Familiensoziologie},
 author = {Peukert, Almut and Motakef, Mona and Teschlade, Julia and Wimbauer, Christine},
 journal = {Neue Zeitschrift für Familienrecht},
 number = {7},
 pages = {322-326},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2198-2333},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Elternschaft; parenthood; Familienform; family structure; Familienrecht; family law; Familienforschung; family research; Heterosexualität; heterosexuality; Normativität; normativity; Eltern-Kind-Beziehung; parent-child relationship; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany}}