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@book{ Smith2019,
 title = {A Window for Climate Action},
 author = {Smith, E. Keith and Bognar, Julia},
 year = {2019},
 pages = {6},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Recent student-led (Fridays for Future) and climate change activist-initiated (Extinction Rebellion) protests have effectively mobilized substantial resources and received extensive media coverage.  However, potentially due to differences in these movements' tactics, it appears that Fridays for Future has had a more positive impact in bringing attention to the issue of climate change.  The protests may have opened a policy window for climate change, presenting a momentary opportunity for substantial political action.},
 keywords = {Klimawandel; climate change; Protest; protest; soziale Bewegung; social movement; Mobilisierung; mobilization; Klimapolitik; climate policy; Umweltbewusstsein; environmental consciousness; öffentliche Meinung; public opinion; öffentliches Interesse; public interest; Berichterstattung; reporting; Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Federal Republic of Germany; Großbritannien; Great Britain; USA; United States of America}}