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@article{ Potier2008,
 title = {Making an even number odd: deadlock-avoiding in a reunified Cyprus supreme court},
 author = {Potier, Tim},
 journal = {JEMIE - Journal on ethnopolitics and minority issues in Europe},
 number = {2},
 pages = {31},
 volume = {Vol. 7},
 year = {2008},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {"Substantive talks to re-unify the island of Cyprus re-commenced in September 2008. Sadly, the gulf between the two communities remains wide. The rejected 'Annan Plan' proposed a (federal) Supreme Court that would have included three non-Cypriot (deadlock-breaking) judges. This should not be preferred. However, to dispel any fears concerning the likely consequences of their absence, it is the purpose of this article to outline how any reunified Cyprus Supreme Court can rely on absolute political equality (alone), whilst still remaining functional and free from potential deadlock. The various procedures devised confirm that an even number can be made into an odd." (author's abstract)},
 keywords = {political conflict; Wiedervereinigung; Interessenkonflikt; court; Abstimmung; voting; Richter; Zypern; Turk; Türke; judge; Gericht; conflict of interest; reunification; Grieche; Oberster Gerichtshof; Greek; Cyprus; constitutional court; Supreme Court; Verfassungsgericht; politischer Konflikt}}