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@article{ Potter2003,
 title = {El análisis del discurso implica analizar: crítica de seis atajos analíticos},
 author = {Potter, Jonathan and Antaki, Charles and Billig, Michael and Edwards, Derek},
 journal = {Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social},
 number = {3},
 pages = {14-35},
 year = {2003},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {A number of ways of treating talk and textual data are identified which fall short of discourse analysis. They are: (1) under-analysis through summary; (2) underanalysis through taking sides; (3) under-analysis through over-quotation or through isolated quotation; (4) the circular identification of discourses & mental constructs; (5) false survey; (6) analysis that consists in simply spotting features. We show, by applying each of these to an extract from a recorded interview, that none of them actually analyze the data. We hope that illustrating shortcomings in this way will encourage further development of rigorous discourse analysis in social psychology.},