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@article{ Morillo i Maymón2007,
 title = {Autoetnografia de la relectura del treball: "els discursos de les organitzacions sindicals sobre la precarietat"},
 author = {Morillo i Maymón, Àngela},
 journal = {Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social},
 number = {12},
 pages = {315-321},
 year = {2007},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {'Writing is a process; the act of transforming thoughts into print requires a non-linear sequence of stages or creative acts' (James B. Gray, cited by Cassany, 1993). I would add that it is also the act of transforming experience. This article describes my own personal process of transformation in the experience and understanding of vulnerable employment - a slow, open, recursive and difficult process. The first, academic, section flows easily. Then things get harder. The auto-ethnography was the most challenging part. Firstly because it was a matter of personal reflection; then because of a having to strip naked, as it were. Finding a reasonably elegant and flexible way to link the two sections was demanding, and one of the objectives of the exercise was to reach a satisfactorily readable end result.},