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@article{ Gandica2007,
 title = {Las enfermedades del "estilo de vida" en el trabajo: entre la vigilancia y las prácticas del cuidado de sí},
 author = {Gandica, Gustavo Gisbert},
 journal = {Athenea Digital: Revista de Pensamiento e Investigacion Social},
 number = {11},
 pages = {287-291},
 year = {2007},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Places & conditions of work have changed considerably in recent decades, not only in terms of technology but also with the advent of new work modes such as shift-sharing, telecommuting, & contract labor. Globalization & the new capitalism have made the work world more uncertain & employment more precarious, & this has had multiple effects on the health of workers. This situation is called the 'bio-politics of health.' Processes of health/illness related to work are examined here in terms of two concepts borrowed from Michel Foucault: vigilance & care of oneself.},