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@article{ Smerdel2006,
 title = {The Notion of Security and Free Access to Information. Creation and Development of the Right of the Public to know in European and Croatian Jurisprudence},
 author = {Smerdel, Branko and Gardašević, Đorđe},
 journal = {Politics in Central Europe},
 number = {2},
 pages = {24-37},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2006},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The contemporary notion of security, both in legal terms and international relations, reveals several important issues of crucial importance. The core of the matter centres upon a proper understanding of the balance between the competing values of the public interest on one side and individual rights on the other. The authors deal with the relevant European developments and Croatian experiences in the legal interpretation of standards guaranteeing free access to information, understood as a fundamental right, and show that an appropriate method of interpretation is indispensable for its protection.},