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@book{ Ramsenthaler2019, title = {Integrated Data and Survey Infrastructure (IEDI) at GESIS: Report "An overview of survey topics and socio-demographic variables in the survey programs of the IEDI"}, author = {Ramsenthaler, Christina and Singh, Ranjit K. and Menold, Natalja}, year = {2019}, series = {GESIS Papers}, pages = {24}, volume = {2019/02}, address = {Köln}, publisher = {GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften}, issn = {2364-3781}, doi = {}, urn = {}, keywords = {Datengewinnung; ISSP; integration; survey; ALLBUS; category; Befragung; EVS; ISSP; ALLBUS; survey research; Kategorie; EVS; data capture; Umfrageforschung; Integration}}