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@article{ Strohmaier2014,
 title = {Computational Social Science for the World Wide Web},
 author = {Strohmaier, Markus and Wagner, Claudia},
 journal = {IEEE Intelligent Systems},
 number = {5},
 pages = {84-88},
 volume = {29},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {1541-1672},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In this article, we want to introduce the field of computational social science to the intelligent systems community and discuss how this field can help to advance the current state of understanding and engineering social-computational systems on the World Wide Web. Overall, this article makes an argument that computational social science offers a unique range of challenges as well as methods and techniques that can help understand and engineer systems on the World Wide Web.},
 keywords = {Internet; Internet; Informatik; computer science; Sozialwissenschaft; social science; Informationsverarbeitung; information processing; Datenverarbeitung; data processing; Datengewinnung; data capture; Soziale Medien; social media; soziales Verhalten; social behavior; Software; software; Methodenforschung; methodological research}}