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@article{ Kurtenbach2019,
 title = {Judicial reform: a neglected dimension of SSR in El Salvador},
 author = {Kurtenbach, Sabine},
 journal = {Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding},
 number = {1},
 pages = {57-74},
 volume = {13},
 year = {2019},
 issn = {1750-2985},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Security Sector Reform is an integral part of peace-building but the focus of international actors tends to be on formal state security providers. This article argues that reforms in the judicial system are key for the non-violent transformation of societal conflicts. Based on historical institutionalism a theoretical argument links justice and peace. Reforms of the judiciary need to be an integral part of SSR because otherwise reforms in the military and the police can easily be undermined or turned back. A case study on El Salvador provides empirical insights on the interrelation between reforms of these institutions.},
 keywords = {Nachkriegszeit; post-war period; Nachkriegsgesellschaft; post-war society; Militär; military; Polizei; police; Justiz; judiciary; El Salvador; El Salvador; Sicherheit; security; Mittelamerika; Central America; Sicherheitssektor; security sector; Friedenssicherung; peacekeeping; Konsolidierung; consolidation; sozialer Konflikt; social conflict; Institution; institution; Reform; reform}}