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@article{ Modebadze2018,
 title = {The battle for regional dominance between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran},
 author = {Modebadze, Valeri},
 journal = {Journal of Liberty and International Affairs},
 number = {3},
 pages = {66-72},
 volume = {4},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {1857-9760},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This article describes the rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia for achieving regional hegemony in the Middle East. Both states have an ambition to be the leader of the Islamic world and there is a constant struggle between them to dominate Middle East and spread their influence in neighboring countries. Both countries fund militant Islamic movements abroad and are engaged in fierce battle for regional dominance. After the establishment of theocratic regime in Iran, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia vehemently opposed Teheran's ambitions to export revolutions and increase its influence in the Middle East. Saudi Arabia is determined to counter the Iranian revolutionary threat and constantly opposes Teheran's ambitions to dominate the Arab World. Saudi Arabia and Iran often accuse each other of fueling sectarian violence by backing Shia and Sunni militias in Iraq, Yemen, Syria and Lebanon. Both countries try to avoid direct confrontation with each other. Instead of direct conflict, both sides fight each other indirectly and provide varying degrees of support to different camps in nearby conflicts.},
 keywords = {Iran; hegemony; bilateral relations; Nahost; Iran; Saudi-Arabien; bilaterale Beziehungen; Konflikt; Saudi Arabia; Hegemonie; conflict; Middle East}}