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@article{ Shahbaz2018,
 title = {Private Schools - Blessing or a curse?},
 author = {Shahbaz, Shazia},
 journal = {Pakistan Administrative Review},
 number = {3},
 pages = {333-341},
 volume = {2},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {2521-0203},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {This research paper aims at identifying the reasons of the mushroom growth of the private schools in Pakistan and the difference between the private and government owned schools with respect to the facilities and quality of education they provide. The fee structures are not taken into account as they vary among private schools according to the location they are working in and the strata or class they are catering for. The latest trend observed is that the rural areas are also joining the race and middle class is also contributing to this rise in trend incorporating necessary adaptation to local environment. In developed countries like USA contribution of private schools is high in secondary and tertiary education while in developing countries like India and Pakistan, private schools are contributing more towards primary education. Private schools are mainly established in the houses but some elite schools have shifted to the jargon of purpose-built campus, quality education, foreign qualified teachers and placement in the foreign universities etc. But the fact remains eminent that private schools have improved the enrollment percentage at primary level, managed to give better physical facilities to students and have produced a higher level of learning outcomes.},
 keywords = {Regelschule; school education; Privatschule; level of education; Pakistan; Schulbildung; Bildungsniveau; Pakistan; private school; regular school}}