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Globalizing Political and Economic Elites in National Fields of Power
Die Globalisierung politischer und wirtschaftlicher Eliten in nationalen Feldern der Macht
[journal article]
Abstract The article contributes to the discussions about global elites from a field-theoretical and empirical perspective. The examination of comparative biographical data on political and economic elites in two countries from the Global North (Germany and the US) and the Global South (Brazil and India) sho... view more
The article contributes to the discussions about global elites from a field-theoretical and empirical perspective. The examination of comparative biographical data on political and economic elites in two countries from the Global North (Germany and the US) and the Global South (Brazil and India) shows that elites in all four countries are globalizing. However, this process is strongly embedded in specific historic and socio-cultural structures of national fields of power. Emerging powers from the “Global South” seem to establish their own “schools of power” for the educational reproduction of their national elites. Therefore, speaking of a homogenous global elite is misleading and obscures the multiple conflicts between elite factions in national fields of power, as well as between national elites from different countries and world regions. Consequently, field-theoretical research on elites must be embedded in a comprehensive analysis of power, conflict, and class-relations on the national as well as on the global level of the capitalist world system.... view less
economic elite; Brazil; Federal Republic of Germany; political power; elite research; correspondence analysis; exploration; political elite; United States of America; biographical method; Bourdieu, P.; economic power; transnationalization; nation state; social structure; globalization; international system; field theory; India
General Sociology, Basic Research, General Concepts and History of Sociology, Sociological Theories
International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy
Free Keywords
field of power; global elite; Multiple Correspondence Analysis; MCA
Document language
Publication Year
p. 329-358
Historical Social Research, 43 (2018) 3
Issue topic
Economists, Politics, and Society: New Insights from Mapping Economic Practices Using Field-Analysis
Published Version; peer reviewed