Endnote export


%T eTransQual: a transaction process-based approach for capturing service quality in online shopping
%A Bauer, Hans H.
%A Falk, Tomas
%A Hammerschmidt, Maik
%J Journal of Business Research
%N 7
%P 866-875
%V 59
%D 2006
%K electronic service quality; online shopping; transaction process; scale developmente
%= 2008-05-14T13:25:00Z
%~ LS ABWL und MarketingII
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-5758
%U http://bauer.bwl.uni-mannheim.de/Download/mitarbeiter/hammerschmidt/JBRarticleprint%20version_July2006.pdf
%X Existing e-service quality scales mainly focus on goal-oriented e-shopping behavior excluding hedonic quality aspects. As a consequence,
these scales do not fully cover all aspects of consumer's quality evaluation. In order to integrate both utilitarian and hedonic e-service quality
elements, we apply a transaction process model to electronic service encounters. Based on this general framework capturing all stages of the
electronic service delivery process, we develop a transaction process-based scale for measuring service quality (eTransQual). After conducting
exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, we identify five discriminant quality dimensions: functionality/ design, enjoyment, process,
reliability and responsiveness. All extracted dimensions of eTransQual show a significant positive impact on important outcome variables like
perceived value and customer satisfaction. Moreover, enjoyment is a dominant factor in influencing both relationship duration and repurchase
intention as major drivers of customer lifetime value. As a result, we present conceptual and empirical evidence for the need to integrate both
utilitarian and hedonic e-service quality elements into one measurement scale.
%G en
%9 journal article
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info