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@article{ Mirenayat2015,
 title = {Singularity and intelligence explosion in William Hertling's A.I. Apocalypse},
 author = {Mirenayat, Sayyed Ali and Soofastaei, Elaheh},
 journal = {International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences},
 number = {50},
 pages = {82-85},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2300-2697},
 doi = {},
 abstract = {William Hertling's A.I. Apocalypse (2012) is a post-apocalyptic novel about vulnerability of modern technological life against superintelligence. The novel shows living in an A.I-controlled society behind a revolution or revolt by self-controlling machines. A personified computer virus infects all the world's computers. As a result, it leads to disruption in main factors of human life - billions of people are about to die. A novel in which, Hertling warns of dehumanization under the shadow of superintelligence to challenge our minds to ponder about such a future. This study attempts to demonstrate that Hertling criticizes singularity and intelligence explosion in which mankind are entrapped in A.I-controlled society. It also investigates probable bilateral relation between dehumanization and intelligence explosion.},
 keywords = {Literatur; literature; Roman; novel; Intelligenz; intelligence; Computer; computer; neue Technologie; new technology; Maschine; machine; Technikfolgen; effects of technology; Gesellschaft; society; Zukunft; future}}