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@article{ Oltean2014,
 title = {Ongoing theory-driven evaluation of the publications from Romania and Hungary concerning the history of Jews from Romania and Hungary during the years 1945-1953 and a few policy recommendations},
 author = {Oltean, Anca},
 journal = {Annals of the University of Oradea - International Relations and European Studies},
 number = {6},
 pages = {71-84},
 year = {2014},
 issn = {2067-3647},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {The study presents a foray into the historical writing concerning the history of the Jews from Romania and Hungary during the years 1945-1953. Attempting to draw a picture of the historical writings of this field, the analysis reveals a framework of living conditions of the Jews from Romania and Hungary in early postwar years. The research constitutes itself in an ongoing theory-driven evaluation of the publications existent in this field, the author formulating also a few policy recommandations.},
 keywords = {Jude; Jew; Rumänien; Romania; Ungarn; Hungary; Nachkriegszeit; post-war period; Lebensbedingungen; living conditions; Antisemitismus; antisemitism; Menschenrechte; human rights; Minderheitenrecht; minority rights; Kommunismus; communism; Assimilation; assimilation}}