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@article{ Ewert2018,
 title = {Modelling Maritime Trade Systems: Agent-Based Simulation and Medieval History},
 author = {Ewert, Ulf Christian and Sunder, Marco},
 journal = {Historical Social Research},
 number = {1},
 pages = {110-143},
 volume = {43},
 year = {2018},
 issn = {0172-6404},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Maritime trade grew enormously in Europe after c. 1100 AD, thereby contributing much to the European economic take-off commonly considered as the “Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages.” In this article, determinants of both the formation of the Hanse’s network-based system of trade in Northern Europe and its later dissolution are analysed using a multi-agent model. Findings are connected to the discussion in institutional economics and economic history concerning the importance of institutional developments in long-distance trade for economic growth in medieval Europe, the efficiency of self-enforcing institutions, and the divergence of institutional arrangements in medieval maritime trade. Finally, both potentials and limitations of agent-based models for historical research are discussed.},
 keywords = {simulation; economic development (on national level); network; Europe; middle ages; Wirtschaftsentwicklung; Schifffahrt; Hanseatic league; Handel; Simulation; shipping; economic history; Hanse; Europa; Netzwerk; commerce; Mittelalter; Wirtschaftsgeschichte}}