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@article{ Capelle2006,
 title = {Die Wikinger auf dem westeuropäischen Kontinent: Normannische Aktionen und karolingische Reaktionen - eine historisch-archäologische Spurensuche entlang von Flüssen},
 author = {Capelle, Torsten},
 journal = {Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv},
 pages = {7-58},
 volume = {29},
 year = {2006},
 issn = {0343-3668},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {In contrast to the regions attacked by the Vikings/Normans, only very scanty archaeological
evidence testifies to their presence on the Western European continent. Instead, a wealth of contemporary written accounts survives which, so far, has only been used for conventional historical purposes. These sources are here being examined for the Carolingian period, using methods which have long proven their effectiveness in archaeological research: Maps have been drawn up on various aspects that could, theoretically, have been reflected in archaeology as well. The expansion maps thus created vividly convey the sheer spatial and temporal intensity of the cataclysmic events that occurred throughout the ninth century.},