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@article{ Ereli2017,
 title = {How are sovereign wealth fund decisions made?},
 author = {Ereli, Adam and Karasik, Theodore},
 journal = {IndraStra Global},
 number = {12},
 pages = {1-8},
 year = {2017},
 issn = {2381-3652},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Over the last eight years, considerations of politics and national security have come to play an influential role in the decision-making of Gulf sovereign wealth funds. In 2015, the Qatar Investment Authority (QIA) -Qatar's sovereign wealth fund (SWF)- declared its intention to invest $35 billion in the United States over the coming five years. In making the announcement, a senior Qatari official noted that the state was taking this step not because of politics, but because it "made good business sense".},
 keywords = {Katar; Qatar; USA; United States of America; Investition; investment; Wirtschaftspolitik; economic policy; nationale Sicherheit; national security; Entscheidung; decision; Auswirkung; impact; Risiko; risk; bilaterale Beziehungen; bilateral relations}}