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@article{ Beuter2013,
 title = {Accession of individuals to hemodialysis therapy},
 author = {Beuter, Margrid and Muller, Luana Rodrigues and Brondani, Cecília Maria and Pauletto, Macilene Regina and Timm, Arlete Maria Brentano and Perlini, Nara Marilene Oliveira Giradon},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {3},
 pages = {3558-3566},
 volume = {5},
 year = {2013},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: to analyze the indicators of accession related with sociodemographic profile of individuals subjected to hemodialysis. Method: quantitative search with 56 individuals in hemodialysis in a renal clinic within Rio Grande do Sul. The data was collected through a questionnaire and research in medical records between August and September 2008. Results: married individuals aged 60 years, illiterate or incomplete primary education, treatment time between one and five years presented more indicators of accession; individuals with income above five minimum salary accepted less indicators. Conclusion: There are many involved factors in accession to hemodialysis and they are interrelated. Each individual follows the treatment in a unique and singular way with influence of many factors during their life. These particularities affect the answer to treatment and should be comprehended by professionals of health. Descriptors: Nursing, Renal Insufficiency, Renal Dialysis, Patient Compliance.},
 keywords = {chronische Krankheit; chronic illness; Patient; patient; soziale Faktoren; social factors; demographische Faktoren; demographic factors; Krankenpflege; nursing; Befragung; survey; Brasilien; Brazil; Lateinamerika; Latin America; Südamerika; South America}}