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@book{ Jutz2017,
 title = {International Social Survey Programme: ISSP 2015 Germany - Work Orientations IV ; GESIS Report on the German Study},
 author = {Jutz, Regina and Scholz, Evi},
 year = {2017},
 series = {GESIS Papers},
 pages = {79},
 volume = {2017/22},
 address = {Köln},
 publisher = {GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften},
 issn = {2364-3781},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 keywords = {Bundesrepublik Deutschland; Datengewinnung; data preparation; work satisfaction; Beschäftigungssituation; Work-life-balance; Federal Republic of Germany; employment situation; Berufstätigkeit; questionnaire; Berufszufriedenheit; gainful occupation; Fragebogen; Arbeitsorientierung; work orientation; ISSP; attitude; Beschäftigungsform; type of employment; ISSP; Arbeitszufriedenheit; data capture; Flexibilität; job satisfaction; Datenaufbereitung; Einstellung; work-life-balance; flexibility}}