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@article{ Cavalcante2015,
 title = {Vaccines of the basic scheme for the first year of life late in northeastern brazilian city},
 author = {Cavalcante, Conceição Ceanny Formiga Sinval and Martins, Maria do Carmo de Carvalho e and Araújo, Telma Maria Evangelista de and Nunes, Benevina Maria Vilar Teixeira and Moura, Maria Eliete Batista and Neto, José Machado Moita},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {1},
 pages = {2034-2041},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: To evaluate the achievement of the basic vaccination schedule for children in the first year of life assisted by teams of the Family Health Strategy in a northeastern Brazilian city. Method: Crosssectional descriptive study with proportional probability sample of 184 children. Vaccination cards were used as a source of information. Results: Vaccination 100% of the children were found to BCG alone (TB) and the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine Smaller proportions of vaccinated children were found to MMR (81,6%), vaccine rotavirus (82,3%) and pneumococcal vaccine (85.2%). Conclusion: Major delays in the completion of the vaccines were found for the yellow fever vaccine, MMR vaccine and rotavirus.},
 keywords = {Impfung; vaccination; Kind; child; Gesundheit; health; Säugling; baby; Pflege; caregiving; Arzneimittel; pharmaceutical}}