Endnote export


%T "Um sich in vorkommenden besonderen Fällen selber rathen zu können, was rechtens (sey) ...": "Der wohl instruirte Schiffer" - ein bordpraxisnahes deutschsprachiges Handbuch des Seerechtes aus der zweiten Hälfte des 18. Jahrhunderts
%A Stettner, Heinrich
%J Deutsches Schiffahrtsarchiv
%P 81-86
%V 16
%D 1993
%@ 0343-3668
%~ DSM
%> https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-54176-8
%U http://ww2.dsm.museum./DSA/DSA16_1993_081086_Stettner.pdf
%X The maritime-legal manual discussed here appeared during the second half of the eighteenth century in several editions. Those of 1769, 1771 and 1773 fail to mention the author by name although the latter contains an introduction by him. The 1792 edition, however, bears the name of Johann Andreas Engelbrecht as editor. Engelbrecht (1733-1803) lived in Bremen for many years, working first as a foreign-language correspondent and later as an assessor of averages, author of specialized Iiterature on various law-related subjects and translator. This work consists of a preface, three main sections and an appendix. The aim of the publication was to provide the shipmaster and maritime merchant with assistance in the settlement of his business transactions. The entire contents demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of board practice. The three main sections are concerned with everything the master should take into account before, du ring and after the journey of a merchant ship. Aside from Roman law, the Swedish, Danish, Russian, Dutch, Hanseatic, Hamburg, Lübeck and Prussian territorial rights, to the extent that they are important for the seafaring merchant, are included. The thirty-three samples contained in the appendix give the shipmaster and merchant practical help in the wording and completion of forms and official documents.
%G de
%9 Zeitschriftenartikel
%W GESIS - http://www.gesis.org
%~ SSOAR - http://www.ssoar.info