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@article{ Barros2015,
 title = {Contribution of the media to promote cardiovascular health},
 author = {Barros, Lia Bezerra Furtado and Silva, Lúcia de Fátima da and Duarte, Keila Maria de Azevedo Ponte and Silva, Fábiola Vladia Freire da and Guedes, Maria Vilaní Cavalcante and Guerra, Amanda Onofre Lins},
 journal = {Revista de Pesquisa: Cuidado é Fundamental Online},
 number = {2},
 pages = {2241-2253},
 volume = {7},
 year = {2015},
 issn = {2175-5361},
 doi = {},
 urn = {},
 abstract = {Objective: to analyze the contribution of the media for promoting cardiovascular health. Method: case study, qualitative, theoretically based on the method of Paulo Freire for reasoning and data analysis. The research was conducted using as a scenario the "Bem Estar" TV program of "Rede Globo", in the episodes whose thematic was cardiovascular disease. Results: there was a concern of the program to involve participants in the educational process, ensuring, in a mediated way, their involvement in the educational process. However, there are limitations to the adoption of a model of liberating education as proposed by Paulo Freire. Another finding was the absence of nursing professionals as collaborators. Conclusion: the study allowed the expansion of knowledge about a subject not explored by Nursing, reaffirming the importance of more qualified professionals related to participation in the educational act.},
 keywords = {Herzkrankheit; heart disease; Kreislaufkrankheit; circulatory disease; Gesundheitsförderung; health promotion; Medien; media; Information; information; Bildung; education; Pflegeperson; caregiver; audiovisuelle Medien; audiovisual media; Gesundheitserziehung; health education}}